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Planning Board Minutes 5/20/13
Call to Order                                                                                   May 20, 2013

The Meeting of the Marlborough Planning Board was called to order at 7:00pm in Memorial Hall, 3rd Floor City Hall 140 Main Street, Marlborough, MA.  Members present included Barbara Fenby, Colleen Hughes, Sean Fay, Philip Hodge, Shawn McCarthy and Clyde Johnson. Also in attendance were Board Secretary Melissa Irish and City Engineer Thomas Cullen
Edward Coveney was absent.

1. Meeting Minutes:
        A. May 6, 2013
On a motion made by Mr. Fay, seconded by Mr. Johnson, it was voted to accept minutes of the May 6, 2013 meeting. Motion carried.
2. Chair’s Business: None

3. Approval Not Required: None

4. Public Hearings:
        A. Preliminary Plan Walker Brook Estates Public Hearing (7:15pm)
The public hearing was opened at 7:24pm Ms. Hughes read the notice into record. The hearing was taken in the traditional 4 stages:

Those speaking in Favor
Those speaking in Opposition
Questions from the Board Members

Presentation: Mr. Bruce Saluk, of Bruce Saluk and Associates, gave the presentation, in attendance were also Mr.’s Brian and Ed Melanson the project developers.
The proposed project consists of 3.5 acres of land located in A2 residential zone. There are to be 6 lots average size of approx. 20,000 sq ft all access to the proposed lots will be from 2 new roadways currently referred to as Road A & Road B.
Roadways are proposed to be 50’ wide with sidewalks on both sides. There are going to be 4 handicap access ramps on Road A with an additional 4 on Road B.  The lots will be serviced by City Water and City Sewer as well as Natural Gas. There are to be 5 catch basins within the project as well as a retention pond which will drain into Walker Brook. Filing will be done with the Conservation Commission and erosion controls will be put in place.

In Favor/Questions –
Ms. Mary Ann Hopkins of 151 Framingham Rd questioned if this plan was different than the plan she had a copy of dated December 2012. Mr. Saluk responded that this plan is different.
Mr. Chris Heinz of 108 Framingham Rd questioned the number of bedrooms per home and price points. Mr. Heinz was informed this was not the time for those types of questions Mr. Heinz then stated that he in fact was in favor of this proposal.
Mr. Richard Stemple of 177 Framingham Rd questioned if the 2 other homes adjacent to the new Road A could have their access driveways from within the new road layout? Mr. Saluk responded it could be looked into.
Ms. Wilrose Vallee asked if the Road would be accepted, she was informed that acceptance is the intent.
Ms. Mary Ann Hopkins questioned the frontage for lot #4, she was told that lot will have frontage on 3 separate streets.
Mr. Richard Stemple asked who would be in charge of cleaning the catch basins, he was informed once the streets were accepted that became the City’s responsibility.

In Opposition – None
Questions from the Board Members:
Mr. Fay questioned if the proponent would be requesting any waivers from the Board?
Mr. Saluk responded that there would be 2 requests:
•       No sidewalks requested along the rear on Roadway B
•       Right of way width reduction to 40’ due to lack of any possible connection to any additional roadways.
Mr. Fay also questioned the appearance of 2 homes within the wetlands buffer zone.
Mr. Saluk responded that those lots will be filed with the Conservation Commission and they will proceed as directed by them.

The Public Hearing was closed by Chairperson Fenby at 7:45pm.

5. Pending Sub Division Plans: Updates and Discussion:
        A. Ravenswood Road Subdivision – Discussion – Request for Extension
Mr. Joseph Peznola Engineer of record for this project updated the Board regarding the revisions to the plans. Revisions include; relocation of the roadway including modifications to lot 1 and House number 661, sight distance changes, widening of Sudbury St has no effect on proposed subdivision.
There are still 2 waivers being requested:
•       Right of way width
•       Adequacy of Sudbury St. Easements and Drainage
Ward 1 City Councilor Joseph Delano again spoke out against this subdivision imploring the Board to grant no waivers.
On a motion made by Mr. Hodge, seconded by Mr. McCarthy it was voted to accept the information and place it on file.
The aforementioned request for extension will be on the next regularly scheduled agenda.
(June 3, 2013)

B.  Addition Hill - Boston Scientific Way – Engineering/Security Bonding Request
Ms. Hughes read the correspondence from the Engineering Department into the record.
On a motion made by Ms. Hughes seconded by Mr. Hodge it was voted to accept the correspondence and place it on file as well as table the information until such time as the proponent submits a request for the lot to be released for development Motion carried.
        C. City Engineers Report
Ms. Hughes read into record the communication from the City Engineer regarding the requested acceptance of Bouffard Dr. as an accepted City Way. At this time the Engineering Division is not in a position to recommend acceptance, per the information listed in the communication.
On a motion made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. McCarthy it was voted to accept the communication and place it on file.
Mr. Cullen noted that the Mauro Farms subdivision has been moving along, trees are getting ready to be placed then sidewalks can go in.
The Water’s Edge Subdivision has been moved along to the Legal Department, the have been questions regarding easements and ownership.
There has been no further communication from Mr. Freeman regarding the Berlin Farms Subdivision. There will be a follow up letter sent.

6. Preliminary/Open Space Submissions/Limited Development Subdivisions: None

7. Definitive Subdivision Submission: None

8. Signs: None

9. Unfinished Business:
        A. Blackhorse Farms Estate
Mr. Cullen noted that there is nothing to report.
It was noted to keep this item for reporting purposes on the next Planning Board agenda as well.

        B. Country Club Estates
Mr. Cullen noted the appraiser is still working and a technical error had been noted, however all work was progressing.
It was noted to keep this item for reporting purposes on the next Planning Board agenda as well.

10. Informal Discussions:
In a continuation of the discussions from the previous meeting the Board took up the matter of Sign Variance Requests and Off Premise Sign Matters.

Chairperson Fenby outlined the discussion that had taken place earlier in the day between herself, Ward 5 City Councilor Robert Seymour, Building Commissioner Michael Mendoza, Code Enforcement Officer Pamela Wilderman and Mayor Vigeant.

Discussion regarding the upcoming “Taste of Marlborough” event centered around the Boards interpretation of the sign ordinance and the divergent interpretation of the same ordinance by both the Building Commissioner and the Code Enforcement Officer. The Board wished to continue its negotiation with the proponents in keeping with the waiver granted the prior meeting. In an effort to resolve the matter it was voted to send a letter expressing the Boards disagreement with the Building Commissioner’s interpretation of the request. The letter was presented by Mr. Fay, after amending the letter the final version was approved by the Board.

On a motion made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. McCarthy it was voted to send the amended letter to the Building Commissioner with a Copy forwarded to Mayor Vigeant as well. Motion carried.

The ongoing issue of the need for a full review of the current sign ordinance was again considered.

The Board however feels that the streamlined version of the application for use by non-profit groups is a good idea.
11. Correspondence: None

12. Public Notices of other Cities and Towns:
        A. Town of Southborough Planning Board, Public Hearing June 3, 2013
        B. Town of Framingham Planning Board, Notice of Decision November 14, 2012
On a motion made by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Hodge it was voted to accept the notices A-B and place on file. Motion carried.

Adjournment:  On a motion made by Mr. Johnson seconded by Ms. Hughes it was voted to adjourn at 8:27pm.
                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Colleen Hughes